fluids for case 9030b excavator

samedi 20 septembre 2014

I need to top off the hydraulic fluid, the manual calls for MS-1230 NT or LT, can I just go to tractor supply and find an oil with those specs?

also it calls for straight 90 weight GL-4 for final drives, I have GL-5, does that exceed the GL-4? can I mix...it is just barely low(might even be bc it might not be purely level either), doesn't seem burnt at all.

last question, does anybody use diesel additives? if so which?, mainly concerned because all I have around here is the ultra low sulfur, I have heard that even the off road is ultra low, but I have steered clear of off road since a bad experience with water in my fuel.

thanks in advance,

fluids for case 9030b excavator

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