Seeking advice on an appropriate truck.

samedi 20 septembre 2014

DISCLAIMER: I am making several posts that all start out the same and LOOK like they might be cross-posts but are actually different questions. I did check with management to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules.


I do gravel driveways, mainly repair/reclamation. Not asphalt, not concrete, just gravel.

But I've had to turn away work for not having the capability to do certain things "in-house".

Stuff like putting in culverts or stripping away significant amounts of grass and topsoil to install a brand

So I decided that during the off-season I would buy some equipment.

I am also going to pick up my CDL because I need a more versatile license, but that's only for background.

Also, I already have a Kubota 3031 with FEL, but it's dedicated to a specific task and putting a backhoe on the 3-point hitch is not really a good option.

The list of equipment I figure I need is as follows:

  • An Excavator: Something in the 70hp range, give or take. Culvert installation and similar work would be typical

  • A Skid Steer: Not sure what power range is smartest.

  • A Trailer: Ideally should be able to carry a payload of about 18,000-20,000lbs. Must be Bumper-Pull, not 5th Wheel/Gooseneck because I would intend to pull it with the dump truck.

  • A Dump Truck: Something in the 5-ton load range.

I give that information so that anyone answering my question can see the context of the question


I need to buy a dump truck, for several reasons. I do NOT want to buy a full-on 10-ton plus truck since I get material delivered and don't move enough to make getting it myself worthwhile. What I do want it for is the ability to bring a small amount of specific material to a job site; say a few tons of rip-rap or #2's. Also, for hauling away stuff I can't get rid of on site. Sod/Topsoil/Plant material, etc.

And of course, for pulling a heavy trailer.

One of the items I am looking at buying is 15,000 pound tractor and ALL of the possibilities if I don't get THAT particular one are in the same general weight class.

Using Ford as an example, I think am looking for something in the F-350 to F-750 range, but I'm not sure precisely what size.

I would like it to have a dump bed with a load capacity of about 5 tons, but I wonder if that wouldn't force me into a much larger vehicle than I want. Maybe a 3-Ton load capacity is wiser.

Also, if I have to tow a piece of heavy equipment I pretty much have to assume that I need a towing capacity in the 20-25K pound area. (That's 15-20k for the equipment and 5-7k for the trailer.

Naturally, I don't HAVE to tow and carry stone at the same time, but it would be convenient if I could.

Finally, I don't generally think buying new is the best value. It's not that I won't do it if I see the logic, but generally I find used equipment to be the better financial option.

So the two questions are....

1) What would be a good truck brand, model and size to look for?

2) Is it worthwhile to just buy a new or recent model dump bead and then shop for a truck to put it on? (Chassis-Cab or existing flatbed, etc.)

Seeking advice on an appropriate truck.

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