Hitachi ZX135 vs. 160

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Needing an excavator for ranch work. Lots of trenching, picking bunks in 10,000 head feedlot, piling manure, some tree removal, digging in winter water culverts, digging holes to clean up old yardsites/rockpiles etc. Have decided a 135 or 160 size machine would be best. For specs I found the following

135: 18' depth of dig

88 hp 30000lbs

160: 18' depth of dig (I realize this can vary with boom configurations)

100hp (for ex) 33000lbs

Can't really find any info on down pressure for digging or lifting capacity. Bucket sizes/capacities are fairly similar. I feel the smaller machine is a bit more agile and could be better for smaller areas like feedlot pens. For my applications will I miss the extra horsepower and size? ie. when I am digging a pit to pile old buildings in or for tree work? The 135 is also a bit cheaper so I may be able to step up from the ex series to the zx. In any event it won't be new. Looks like price range of 40k will be ten or twelve years old regardless. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.

Hitachi ZX135 vs. 160

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