Do i fire now or later

jeudi 20 novembre 2014

I am the primary care giver for my mom. I have a lady that stays with her from 830-500 monday thru friday. Or atleast thats the way its suppose to be. At the end of the yr my mom is going to live with my youngest brother. We are still making his house handicap accesable for her. We offered the current sitter more money and drive time to go there. She turned it down so she knows her job is ending. We have made arrangements with another sitter for when mom moves. The current sitter has gotten to where she wants off a day during the wk.for about last 6 wks. She always tells me the day before. When she takes off i have to take off. So do i cut her loose and pay the other one $2 hr more and drive time to come here until bros house is finished?

Do i fire now or later

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