Can a JD 310J do it?

lundi 30 novembre 2015

I'll turn to you guys for your expertise once again. I'm looking for a backhoe for grading and digging chores around my property. I've been looking at Cat due to their dealer support in my area. JD isn't as strong, but it still should be good. I've seen some JD 310Js for sale in my price range (30,000-38,000). I'm wondering if the 310J is up to the challenge. With its lack of turbocharger and 7,000 pound-ish bucket breakout force, do you think it would be a good machine to push dirt with? Does it have the power to grade with? The machine I'm looking at has a 4 in 1 bucket. I just don't know if it has the sufficient loader bucket breakout force to be a strong machine. Any help y'all could provide would be much appreciated. I think it's boom is strong enough. My main concern is the loader.

Can a JD 310J do it?

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