Luber-Finer oil fillter------------------NEED HELP

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

I have this old tractor---M R S---Mississippi Road Service. It has a canister type Luber-finer oil filter--the filter element is 15 inches high.
I removed the filter and the two rubber hoses on the bottom of the canister--these hoses go to the engine block. Needed to replace the hoses. Anyway I put some diesel fuel into the canister to help clean it out. I figured the fuel would drain out on the bottom of the canister where I had removed the hoses----DIDN'T DRAIN OUT..........I was able to hit them with air from the bottom where the hoses were located and one of them took air into the canister.
QUESTION----How do these things work and do I fill it with oil and also the crankcase. Are they plugged because the diesel fuel used for cleaning didn't drain our the bottom?????????//
thanks for any help-------len in michigan

Luber-Finer oil fillter------------------NEED HELP

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