Ford 4500 steering stops working

vendredi 25 mars 2016

I recently had a lot of work done to the steering on my 4500. They rebuilt ram that moves the steering as well as made new pins and bushings for the entire mechanism to be able to be adjusted and operate correctly. When they dropped it off it was steering fine. That was about a month ago and I've barely moved it since. Yesterday I finally got to using the tractor. When I first started the steering was working excellent. As time wen t on, maybe over the next half hour the steering got harder and harder to the point that the power assist is non existent. I turned the tractor off and took a break. About an hour later I came back and the steering was fine again. Then after another half hour or so of using it the same thing happened. This thing is a brute without the power assist. I checked the hydraulic fluid at the reservoir and it was full. The filter however was dirty and had not been changed. I confirmed it had not been change by calling the shop where I had the work done and they in fact did not change it. I am in the process of acquiring an new filter. Besides changing that out what else could be the problem? I know I should just send it back to the shop and tell them to finish the job. And I may end up doing that. But if I can get it going on my own with a relatively simple fix that would work out best. Those guys charged me an arm and a leg for these repairs and the towing for the tractor to their shop aint cheap either. So far it feels like I'm out lots of cash and no results other than sore arms.

Ford 4500 steering stops working

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