Hi all

mardi 21 juin 2016

Hi all;

New to this site, just poking around and getting ready to pick some knowledgeable brains.

Bought a grey market Hitachi ex50urg a couple of months back. Known issues were a bucket in need of a rebuild and one track that has "grown" too large. Bucket is now rebuilt... lots of old steel cut out and lots more welded back in. Problem 1 dealt with. Removed the track and welded in new bushings and rollers. Problem 2 fixed... for a couple of hundred hours at least. Replaced the wear / idler plates that support the track on top. ...Works great. Lots of hard facing were required. Machine has new sprockets and carrier wheels, so undercarriage is not too bad. No pump, engine or hydraulic issues.... well not untl last weekend when a 5 lb rock dropped and damaged the hydraulic hose that is attached to the blade cylinder. The hose leads under the machine to part unknown to me.

Help! ... Info would be very helpful.


Hi all

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