Looking to purchase a case 1150B with issue won't move forward on right side

lundi 20 juin 2016

I am looking at purchasing my friends 1150b case but it's acing an issue and I want to make sure it's not going to be to hard to fix before I decide to purchase. The left side functions as it should and the right side moved in reverse but it will not pull forward at all. Any ideas of what I might need to check or where to start? I am a machinist with some mechanical and hyd. skills as I do work in a shop that makes valves for some of the big oem equipment manufacturers but I have never really been around a dozer other than just watching one operator or opersting someone else just short periods of time. I really could use the dozer for the farm just don't want to get burned my first time around as I plan to buy it use it a year or so and sell it once finished with my projects.

Looking to purchase a case 1150B with issue won't move forward on right side

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