engine overheating

mardi 24 novembre 2015

I have an old CAt D5B, 3308 motor that has sat for a long time with well water(high calcium content)/anti freeze in the radiator. Have used it sporadically over last 10 to 15 years, but recently the temp guage had been slowly rising to close to red line. When I let it idle, it would not cool down.

Recently ran a gallon of CAT radiator flush through it. noticed it got hot somewhat slower and when quit pushing and let it idle, temp did back off toward normal, so apparently did some good. was thinking of taking radiator out to get it professionally rodded out, but real hassle doing that. Any ideas of further steps to get possible calcium out of the radiator/block before I refill with distilled water/anti-freeze?
I don't use it much, just a ranch dozer, but getting ready for a minor project that I don't want to worry about temp overheat while I do a couple of acres of clearing.
Gray Eagle

engine overheating

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