Help me find the right backhoe/tractor - list of requirements

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Hi all, happy thanksgiving. I am new here and looking for some help. In the last 5 years I have tried/operated many different types of equipment and they're all great at different things. Mini Exes, CTL's, skid steers, full-size tractor/loader/backhoe, etc. I'm looking for something that can do most of these things...but doesn't have to be great at any of them.

I think I have settled on a medium size tractor/loader/backhoe but I can't find the right model and dealers haven't been helpful. Can anyone think of a piece of equipment that meets the criteria below?

-weighs under 10,000. I want to be able to pull it with a 14k trailer and F350.
-has 3 point hitch in back for common farm implements
-has backhoe in back that can dig at least 9 feet and aux hydraulics that will let me swap the bucket for a breaker and/or auger
-detachable loader upfront with aux hydraulics that will let me swap the bucket for a snowblower
-enclosed cab with heat
-simple enough that someone like me with general repair skills can access most things (aka not a bobcat)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Help me find the right backhoe/tractor - list of requirements

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