Looking to buy a Loader. Advice?

mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Looking to buy an older loader for moving rock and dirt on my own property. Found a few old John Deeres ranging from 444b, 544a, 3 644s and a 94 Case 621b. Case is newest with lowest hours but has trans issues. Owner thinks it needs rebuild. From what I have researched it may be electrical. 444b is at local dealer and is ex municipal with forks, quick attach and new tires and chains. 544a is an old farm machine that looks like it was restored and hasnt seen much use since 1990. 644s range from late 70s to late 80s. 2 need work. Diff troubles. Newest one seems good but long haul (cost) to bring home. Leaning toward the case. Second cheapest, newest and may be not bad to fix. 444 may be too small lifting wise for what I want to do. The 544 while looking nice may just be too old. 644d seems ok but very far away to look at and has 15K hrs+ on all original components with newer pins. Any thoughts from those of you with experience? This would be my first loader. Repairs dont scare me unless the Case needs a new trans(big$). TIA

Looking to buy a Loader. Advice?

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