Might have actually found the problem and fixed it!

samedi 26 novembre 2016

My new to me truck with an M11 was losing prime and would start and run for 20-30 seconds then die. Then it would have to crank a while and need a couple shots of starting fluid to get it going again. Didn't think it had a check valve in the cooler plate and was going to get a new one but the guy at the Cummins dealer said to check to make sure there isn't some other problem as a new check valve is $132! I took a closer look and it did have a check valve so I took it out and it was stuck open. Cleaned and blew it out with an air gun and some crud came out. It seemed to be working properly so put it back in and got the truck started. Hopefully tomorrow it will start and keep running. It's one of those things where I'm glad I found it was stuck open. My fingers are crossed I solved the problem and it didn't cost anything but a few minutes.

Might have actually found the problem and fixed it!

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