Late 90's High Houred Cat 966G Any Good?.....or stay away from it?

mercredi 18 novembre 2015

In the market for a good used loader to dig out and load corn silage on a dairy farm. Will only be used for about 3 hours on daily basis. Found a Cat 966G with about 25,000 hours. Most seem to be priced in the $50 to 75K range with those hours on past auctions. Owner might take $60K for it. Has 5 & 8 yard buckets. 8 Yard was off a WA-500 but adapted to this 966G. Was only used to push and load mulch and snow all it's life. Engine has never been overhauled and only has some black smoke upon startup and clears up afterward. Has the 3306 Cat motor I believe. Had a new transmission about 2,000 hour ago. I'm just hesitant if something else is likely to fail at these high hours on the engine or maybe I should not worry too much since it is a Cat? I don't wish to stick a lot of money into it for major repairs. Is there some common problem areas I should look for to give me an indication of how life is left in this loader?

One of my local mechanics who is not too familiar with Cat's but mentioned he heard from a Cat guy that they had some issues with the oil cooler for the transmission getting plugged up over time and then this caused an o-ring to fail in the transmission from overheating, and if left like this for too long, it would then cause tranny failure. Was this a common problem out there with these loaders and was it a fairly simple fix or is it just a matter of changing fluids/filters more often to prevent this?

Late 90's High Houred Cat 966G Any Good?.....or stay away from it?

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