ok in this pic there a line on the top cover it goes to a tee ,the other line it meets is from the injectors then in goes into a short rubber line then into what i think is a check valve in the frame then .back in to the fuel tank.
ok Question if i were to break open that fitting / line on that top cover does fuel come out under pressure or gravity .
my issue is that ( i posted once before ) that i can start cold ok but when i turn off motor and try too start a few minute later i get no fuel . solenoid getting stuck wont open on power up /key / i resort by relieveing presure in the pre injector pump line by opening the drain on the water sep filter . then she stars right up
i have a new case solenoid / i got two others new oem / they all work on a bench test . so im guessing that after you turn motor off , normally the leftover fuel under pressure goes out that top cover and back into the tank ? is this correct
im figuring there's a blockage in that return line ? or that check valve stuck? anti drain check valve A177556
is there anybody that know there shXt to help . i need to turn it off and on without issues im not the let it idle all the time type

ok Question if i were to break open that fitting / line on that top cover does fuel come out under pressure or gravity .
my issue is that ( i posted once before ) that i can start cold ok but when i turn off motor and try too start a few minute later i get no fuel . solenoid getting stuck wont open on power up /key / i resort by relieveing presure in the pre injector pump line by opening the drain on the water sep filter . then she stars right up
i have a new case solenoid / i got two others new oem / they all work on a bench test . so im guessing that after you turn motor off , normally the leftover fuel under pressure goes out that top cover and back into the tank ? is this correct
im figuring there's a blockage in that return line ? or that check valve stuck? anti drain check valve A177556
is there anybody that know there shXt to help . i need to turn it off and on without issues im not the let it idle all the time type
580k cav inj pump?